Face Roller Massage Tool
Product details
Face Roller is a massaging tool that has numerous skin benefits naturally. Massaging skin regularly with these rollers improves blood circulation to the skin, and can help relieve stress in the face. Make it a part of your daily skin regime and enjoy healthy glowing skin
Skin Benefits:
- Boosts collagen production
- Promotes lymphatic drainage
- Strengthen and tones facial muscles
- Aids absorption of skin care products
- Minimizes fine lines and pores
- Increases blood flow while re-energizing the skin
- Reduces puffiness
- Helps stimulate and rejuvenate skin elasticity
- Releases stress and tension in facial muscles
We have these rollers made up of semi-precious stone, available in following two types:
1. Jade Face Roller:
Jade crystal brings the existing imbalances to rest. It helps to reduce puffiness and promotes lymphatic drainage. Due to its naturally cool properties and myrid benefits of jade rollers, they were once used by the elite Egyptians and Mayans to keep skin beautiful and women ageless.
2. Rose quartz Face Roller:
How to use face roller:
- Apply a facial oil, serum, or moisturiser that’s slippery enough. If you don’t have lubrication, the tool can pull or tug your skin, which may actually contribute to wrinkles.
- Start at your neck and roll upward. For best results, roll up, not back and forth.
- Roll from your jawline to your ear on both sides using gentle pressure. You can continue this motion all the way from your jaw to your cheekbone.
- Roll from your forehead up toward your hairline, only in the upward direction. It’s the same gentle pull you would use if you were pulling your skin taut and wrinkle-free with your hands.
- Roll flat over your eyebrows horizontally, which may feel relieving if you have a headache
- Make sure you are using it very gentle on your face
Use it gently on the skin everyday to maintain youthful, firm, vibrant and glowing skin. You can use it along with Oil, Cream or Serum of your choice for enhanced benefits. Clean the roller before and after you use it.
Beauty tip: Place the roller in the fridge - the coolness will further aid in lymphatic drainage, calming inflamed delicate skin. It is the ultimate hack to reduce puffiness in the morning, especially under the eyes (and after a big night)
How frequently I can use face roller?
It is safe to use this product everyday.
How to Spot a Fake Jade or Rose Quartz Roller?
Genuine jade or rose Quartz ranges from dark foresty grassy colour to white light green with curls of white. Real jade or rose Quartz can shatter if it is dropped and is immune to scratching, which makes it one of the more valuable gemstones. · Jade or Rose Quartz is refreshingly cool to the touch, so if your roller is hot or doesn't cool down quickly after treatment, it's not jade or Rose Quartz. However, some of the gems used in fake jade or rose Quartz rollers like marble can also be cool to the touch, so the temperature isn't always a safe way to determine if it's fake. Also, real Jade stone has degree of transparency that marble lacks. Hold your stone up to a bright light and examine it closely. Light will illuminate a true jade stone and show the veins and ribbons of mineral deposits that run through it. Marble, however, cannot be lit from behind.